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App Controlled Vibrators

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Distance Doesn’t Mean a Thing with App-Controlled Vibrators

What’s the perfect vibrator for a couple on a long-distance relationship? How about people who enjoy some naughtiness throughout the day? An app-controlled vibrator is the perfect pick for all those people.

Even if you just enjoy a vibe on your own and you prefer the convenience that a mobile app brings to the table, you can still harness the technology to bring innovation to your pleasure.

App-controlled vibes make it possible to adjust settings from any location, as long as you have internet connectivity. What’s even better, the mobile app usually allows for a much higher level of customization than a regular remote control would.

Most app-controlled vibrators give you a number of cool features to explore. You could have the possibility to create your own vibration settings and patterns on top of the available presets. Music syncing and voice activation are other fancy features you wouldn’t get with a remote.

The controls, however, aren’t the only thing we need to talk about. App-controlled vibrators come in all shapes and sizes. There are bullet vibes and panty vibes. There are clitoral stimulators and G-spot vibrators. There are even rabbit and dual stimulation toys meant to give you the whole shebang.

Always check the intended use, the material that a vibrator is made of, the kind of engine it has and the battery life. These features will determine convenience, usability and versatility. Vibes that are equipped with a rechargeable battery tend to be a bit more expensive than their regular counterparts but they deliver an excellent return on the investment in the long run (plus you don’t have to deal with the risk of running out of fresh batteries in the middle of a steamy session).

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