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TPE Dildos

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Enhanced Realism with a TPE Dildo

TPE dildos give you the most realistic and flesh-like experience out of all options.

Thermoplastic elastomer is a kind of synthetic rubber that is characterized by exceptional flexibility and softness. It’s also bodysafe and long-lived, turning it into the perfect choice for the creation of lifelike dildos.

With a TPE dildo, you’ll get some bend and a bit of squishiness. In some instances, manufacturers will employ a dual density construction. A firm core is surrounded by the soft TPE to replicate the texture and firmness of the erect penis.

TPE gives you varying degrees of softness. That’s a great feature because it can be used to construct dildos for all tastes and experience levels. Some people prefer a bit more stiffness because it can make penetration easier. Others enjoy softness and flexibility, reminiscent of actual human flesh.

You can find both small and large TPE dildos. They can be crafted to feature lots of realistic details – a set of hefty balls, veins going down the shaft. Not only do these dildos look amazing, the added texture stimulates even better to give you more pleasure than anticipated.

TPE dildos can be designed for G-spot or prostate stimulation, for vaginal, oral or anal penetration. Size and features should be chosen in accordance with the kind of sex you intend to enjoy.

The one thing you need to keep in mind when buying TPE dildos is that they should be kept separate from other sex toys for optimal maintenance. TPE dildos are compatible with all kinds of lube but avoid contact with oil-based lubes and massage oils.

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